Ejaculation Fifteen 16:39
Twenty-Seven Ejaculations & B-Sides
Fine art print on hahnemühle paper
cm 60X60, 2019
Artist Andrea a.k.a AndreAle lives and works in Milan. Self-taught artist and graduated as a Graphic Designer, he felt in love with Pop Art. Grown up surrounded by extensive billboards that populate the city of Milan, he has always been dreaming of those 15 minutes of celebrity Andy Warhol talked about. His works of art are social manifestos within everyone's reach; they are provocative and intimate because they convey ideas about current issues. His artistic skills range widely over different techniques: collage, painting and photography. His background as graphic artist does influence his way of performing art. Fascinated by the street art, Keith Haring, Andy Warhol, Damien Hirst, Rauschenberg, Ray Johnson became his muses. His creative thinking is an endless vortex; his art, instead, aims at expressing constantly his outrageous and malicious side that is always hidden behind everyone's life.
Artista Andrea a.k.a AndreAle vive e lavora a Milano.
Autodidatta e diplomato come Graphic Designer si innamora della Pop Art e cresciuto tra i grandi manifesti pubblicitari che circondano Milano sogna quei 15 minuti di celebrità di cui parlava Andy Warhol. I suoi lavori sono manifesti sociali alla portata di tutti, provocatori e molto intimi perchè raccontano riflessioni su tematiche attuali.
La sua ricerca artistica unisce più tecniche, collage, pittura e fotografia ed il suo background da Grafico influisce molto sul suo modo di lavorare.
Keith Haring, Andy Warhol, Damien Hirst, Rauschenberg, Ray Johnson ispirano molto le sue opere che risentono a tratti del fascino della street art.
Il suo processo creativo è un vortice senza fine, la sua arte invece deve necessariamente esprimere quel lato trasgressivo e malizioso che rimane celato nella vita di tutti i giorni.
Andrea Alessandro - Ejaculation Fifteen 16:39
International transportation is supported. The price of artwork includes transportation and wooden packaging costs and insurance, and no additional costs are required. For more information contact: info@a60artspace.com